With interest rates exceptionally low
and their hardening to generate “real” returns unlikely in the near
term, investors have to look at diversified avenues in order to generate
requisite risk-adjusted returns, said Varun Kapur Yes Bank Former President & Presently an Independent Investor.
Debt – As yields on bank fixed deposits are low,
investors can look at InVITs, REITs, MLDs (Market Linked Debentures),
NCDs as alternative instruments to generate returns well above FDs.
Investors will need to consider ratings of these instruments, pedigree
of the issuer, their most recent financial results, impact on
covid/lockdowns on their business model among other factors before
selecting the specific paper.
Check this also : https://www.socialnews.xyz/2021/06/22/investment-portfolio-to-generate-real-returns-varun-manmohan-kapur-yes-bank-former-president-currently-an-independent-investor/
Balanced – While slightly riskier than
conventional deposits and debt, investors can park some monies in
arbitrage funds. Several AMCs offer well-run arb funds and returns have
in general been higher than FDs.
Equities – Financial year 20-21 was exceptional
for this asset class. In order to generate “real” returns, investors may
need to create a well thought through equities portfolio. These
investments can be split into 3 buckets: a) core investments
– these will be fundamentally very sound companies which have the ware
withal to withstand impacts of lockdowns and the covid crisis. Look for
good management teams, sectors that are defensive, and results of Q3 and
Q4 (FY21) reflecting possible turnarounds in the business. This core
portfolio will be in the HOLD category to generate decent risk-adjusted
returns in the medium-long term (vide capital appreciation and
dividends); b) trading portfolio – this is an
opportunistic book finding dislocations in prices compared to
fundamentals and long-term views on businesses. The current pandemic
will throw up such opportunities and investors will need to create some
kind of a churn heavy / trading portfolio to make returns in the
short-medium term (by either going long or short); c) international equities – US is back and how – their economy printed 6.4% GDP growth in
Q1-CY21. Since stock-specific understanding of Indian investors may be
low, investors can choose bell weathers in sectors like big tech (Apple,
Amazon, Google, Microsoft) which is a relatively safer category (owing
to size and pedigree), have generated excellent results off-late
(actually benefited in the backdrop of the pandemic) and will most
likely continue to do so with some “consumer habits changing for good”
post covid.
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